chemo, shmeemo.

This is my husband, Daryl. He recently had a lobe of lung removed with a stage 1B cancerous tumor. Luckily it was caught early. As a “precaution” he has been “advised” to undergo a few sessions of lovely chemotherapy. I captured the first real smile from him during a walk outside in glorious weather (he didn’t have much energy to do the walk in the first place).

We both know of the fragility of life, but we also realize there are much more difficult struggles and battles waged by this vicious disease by so many. We never realized just how prevalent and destructive it is.

As a “survivor of second-hand” chemo (my term for those that sit with chemo patients during infusions), I empathize with those that deal with loved ones. Your day to day struggle is real as well.

Never underestimate the power of that smile.